Friday, August 24, 2012

Lola. Dog

Dearest Blog Readers,

It's been a long week.  Although, I have really enjoyed the cooler weather, I was not allowed to be outdoors very long due to the spraying for that bug disease.  Does anyone else think it's weird that bugs and birds can pass diseases to humans?  But if I have a rash, the big ones never get it?  Also, can humans infect bugs and birds?  Do birds get human flu?  Can humans pass along diseases to mosquitoes?  We live in a weird, weird world.

I know I briefly discussed my love of Fall last week, but I have a few more things to say.  For one, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks.  Does anyone else count down the days until their availability?  Nothing like a warm drink between your cold paws to perk up your day.  Also, school starts.  Now it's been quite a few years since the woman has gone to class, but I will always associate Fall with new textbooks to sniff and new pencils to chew on.  My all time favorite thing to do is curl up next to the woman while she's studying away.  She will absentmindedly rub my head.  You know who else is going to school?  New witches and wizards.  This is the time of year that Hogwarts starts new classes.  I always wanted to go to Hogwarts.  I know they allow such things as conversations between humans and animals.  I would study so hard and become something great, I just know it.  Another favorite thing?  End of summer sales.  They are everywhere.  So, run (don't walk) to your nearest mall or shopping center.

But do you know what is my most very favorite thing about Fall?  College football.  I was born a Red Raider and although we have not been doing very well since the Pirate left, I will forever bleed red and black.  I am very excited about the upcoming season.  The big people will have celebratory food and they will get excited (or mad) at the TV and won't notice if I have a bite or two of their snacks.  I'm also excited about all the changes in the Big 12.  TCU has joined the Big 12 and they are a fantastic team (My Aunt Tiffany says so).  I am also okay with the departure of Texas A&M.  It's going to be a rough season, but a die hard fan must never give up on their team.

Well, the woman bought oreos earlier in the week and I've spent all week trying to pry the package open.  I think I have it almost opened, so I'm going to continue my attempted cookie invasion before the big ones get home. 

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lola! I know you are really a closet Horned Frog fan, you are just afraid to tell the big people. :)
